How To Change The Filter

Step-by-Step Guide to Changing your All-in-One Cold Plunge Filter

1. Turn Off and Unplug the Chiller:

  • Switch off the chiller.
  • Unplug it from the power source for safety.

2. Remove the End Panel:

  • Locate and remove the panel at the end of the ice bath to access the chiller unit.

3. Turn both of the Water Stop Valves OFF

  • Locate the tap for the Water Stop Valve on the outlet and inlet connection on the chiller unit.
  • Turn the taps OFF. When tap handle is perpendicular with pipes it is off.

4. Locate the 20 Micron Water Filter:

  • The 20 micron water filter is situated on the right side of the chiller unit.

5. Detach the Filter Housing:

  • Use the supplied wrench to loosen the filter housing.
  • Turn the wrench to the left (towards your body) to undo the housing.
  • Unscrew housing until you can remove the housing completely to take out the old filter. 

6. Remove the Old 20 Micron Filter:

  • Take out the filter and empty any water from inside the housing.

7. Clean the Housing:

  • Thoroughly clean the inside of the housing using hydrogen peroxide or mild dish soap.
  • Ensure you rinse out any cleaner completely from the housing.

8. Insert the New 20 Micron Filter:

  • Place a new filter into the housing.
  • Screw the housing back onto the cap on the chiller unit securely.

    9. Clean the Metal Strainer

    • Located on the inlet hose to the chiller is a small metal strainer.
    • Unscrew the housing.
    • Remove the metal strainer. Thoroughly clean the inside of the housing and strainer using hydrogen peroxide or mild dish soap.
    • Insert the strainer back into the housing and screw securely onto the cap on the inlet hose.
    • Please note that the strainer must be cleaned at least every time the filter is changed. If there is a considerable build-up of grime on the strainer it will reduce the water flow rate of the chiller.

    10. Turn the water stop valve taps back ON.

    11. Power On the Chiller:

    • Plug the chiller back into the power source.
    • Turn the chiller on and check for proper operation. The chiller will clear any air bubbles and then begin circulating water.

    Follow these steps to ensure a smooth and efficient filter change for your all-in-one cold plunge.