How To Take An Ice Bath
Step 1: Set your ice bath up on a level surface
- Ideally somewhere out of the all day sun for the longevity of your ice bath and to keep the water cooler.
Step 2: Fill your ice bath with cold water
- Fill it three quarters of the way up. That way when you immerse yourself in the tub the ice bath doesn't overflow with water.
Step 3: Test the water temperature
- Use a thermometer and adjust water to achieve the desired temperature.
- In New Zealand’s colder months, generally you won’t need to add ice to the water to drop the temperature. The temperature of an ice bath typically ranges between 10 to 15 degrees Celsius.
For example: Throughout the winter mornings in Northland (the top of NZ), the water temperature generally sits between 10-14 degrees Celsius. On the coldest mornings the water temp sits around 10 degrees Celsius while the warmer winter mornings it can reach around 13-14 degrees Celsius.
Step 4: Organise your supplies
- Gather a towel, a timer, and warm clothing for after the ice bath.
Pro tip: Play a song that goes for your desired ice bath duration.
Step 5: Prepare yourself
- Use the restroom beforehand to avoid discomfort during the process.
- Put your shorts/swimsuit on.
- Take a few deep breaths and mentally prepare yourself for the cold water immersion in your ice bath.
Pro tip: If it's really cold where you're located, put a beanie on your head to keep your core temperature up while allowing the cold water to do its work.
Optional: If you like to practice breathwork, try our Pre-Plunge Breathe-Up. It goes for 15 minutes and consists of two rounds of rhythmic breathing and short breath holds.
Step 6: Begin your ice bath
- Slowly enter the tub.
- Immerse your body into the water, up to your neck.
- Take your time to adapt to the temperature and control your breathing.
Pro tip: Extend your exhale to relax your body and reduce your heart rate.
Step 7: Relax and endure the ice bath
- Find a comfortable position in the tub and continue to focus on your breathing.
- Initially, you may experience intense cold sensations and shivering. This is normal, and your body will adapt over time.
- If its your first ice bath aim to stay in the ice bath for up to 1 minute, but listen to your body and don't push yourself beyond your limits.
Step 8: Monitor your body's response
- Pay attention to any signs of extreme discomfort, numbness, or shortness of breath.
- If you experience any concerning symptoms, such as dizziness or chest pain, exit the ice bath immediately.
Pro tip: It's important to prioritise your safety and well-being throughout the process. Never try to push your cold water therapy too long, always get out while you feel good!
Step 9: Finish your ice bath
- When your time is up or if you feel you have had enough, slowly stand up and exit the tub.
- Dry yourself off and put on warm clothing to retain body heat and prevent rapid cooling.
- Allow your body to warm up naturally, and avoid exposure to cold drafts or windy areas.
Step 10: Enjoy the benefits
- Reduced stress and anxiety,
- Increased energy and relaxation,
- Release of feel good hormones,
- Immune System boost,
- Reduced inflammation,
- And much more.
If you're interested in knowing more about the benefits check out our Ice Bath Benefits guide.